The Port of Tanger-Med is a deep-water port in northern Morocco, which started operating in 2007. It is located about 40 kilometers from the city of Tangier and is just 20 kilometers from the city of Ceuta. Its strategic location in North Africa is of crucial importance to trading routes from Africa, Europe, and America.
Located on the maritime trade route between Europe, Asia, Africa and America, Tanger Med is a large commercial and industrial port complex and the most important gateway between Europe and Africa, acting as a departure location for ships from to Europe.
Furthermore, the Tanger Med port passenger terminal provides plenty facilities for travelers: ticket booths, information centers, parking lots, currency exchange offices, many restaurants and cafe?s, shops, a play area, and Wi-Fi access. A shuttle bus service also takes passengers to the boarding area.
You can access the port of Tanger Med by car, bus or train.
It is very easy to reach Tanger Med port by car from any Moroccan city. Toll motorways are the best option if you arrive here from Marakkesh or Casablanca. From the city of Tangier, take the A4 route to the port.
Every day, trains operate the Tangier-Tanger-Med route and it is, by far, the most recommended method of transport because it is the fastest. The train stops at the Port of Tanger-Med station, where you can continue with the shuttle bus to the ferry terminal.
It's about 40 kilometers from Tangier City to Tanger-Med. The bus from the city center stops at Tanger-Med port and departures are available on an hourly schedule.
Due to our compliance with the security regulations of the ISPS (International Ship and Port Facility Security) code, all passengers are required to proceed to the embarkation area at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled departure time of the vessel.
Both foot passengers and those travelling by private vehicles need to proceed to the check-in area and get their boarding passes from the company ticket offices, at least two (2) hours before departure. Once the check-in is done, the passengers must pass through the police control to stamp their passport and through the Customs checkpoints to control their luggage. For the foot passengers, the luggage is checked manually or scanned. For the private vehicles, the passage to the scanner is mandatory.
Once these controls are completed, passengers are able to embark once the embarkation is allowed. At the ramp’s level or at the gangway of the vessel, the police agents make sure that all passengers have duly stamped their passport. Then passengers present their boarding pass to the vessel’s crew members and may embark the vessel.
CHECK-INPassenger & Vehicles
TANGER MED2 hours before departure
31 Avenue de la Résistance,
Tanger, Morocco
+212 539 32 22 53/58, +212 539 37 50 71
+212 539 94 38 63